AS Media Coursework

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Editing- Lesson 1!

After we finished filming in the last lesson, we planned to finish most of the editing and also the voice recording for dialogue in the next lesson. We thought that recording the dialogue and then putting it on top of the filming would make the whole film look and sound better as we were told that if we kept the sound/dialogue we recorded naturally, it may leave a 'buzzing noise' throughout the film. We were ready to find a quiet room and use a 'recording mp3 microphone' to record the dialogue but a technician advised us that putting sound on top of the filming could make editing a lot more difficult than necessary; therefore we decided against the voice recordings and kept the audio already on the filming because none of us were well experienced in editing so it would make the editing process easier for us to handle and also none of us had ever used the editing software we had to use.

The editing software that we used was Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, none of us were familiar with the software or even how to edit a short film. Once a technician taught us the basics e.g. how to cut scenes out using the 'razor tool' etc, we were able to cut unneeded shots such as the close up shot of the door handle as we realised it didn't fit with the next scene as the tracking shot of Kit going into the room shows her pushing the door as the room we filmed in didn't have a door handle but was a push door; therefore we figured that the close up wasn't needed as it didn't fit with the next shot.

These are screen shots of the editing process. The first picture is where we had cut out all the scenes that were not needed and then put the scenes that we had saved into order which was rather easy as we just had to drag and drop into the timeline and then picture 2 and 3 is where was had assembled them into order and then we played it a few times to find any unnecessary parts that we could cut.

In that lesson we couldn't find the film file that we had saved in the previous lesson, so we had to reload it with the back up tape. After we had uploaded the filming onto the software again, we started and finished cutting the scenes that we didn't need which became easier and easier once we got the hang of it. We also saved each section of film that we had edited and then put them in order of scenes, so in the next lesson we have to think about and work on the after effects and edits between shots to make the film flow better e.g. using black and white or using 'fade' as an edit between 2 shots. Our original idea for edits between the shots were to make them quick, straight shots that represented tension and anxiety building up as we are basing the filming on the genre of Thriller. Also in the next lesson we plan to finish the editing completely and get feedback for it so we can improved anything needed and touch up on any cutting' that we missed out

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