AS Media Coursework

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Changes in the Editing stage!

1. As me and Rachel aren't as experienced in editing or using the editing software well as James, he was the main editor, but this has caused James to nearly complete all of editing in his own time because he is able to use the software more effectively than us. Therefore meaning that me and Rachel did hardly any editing on our group project so Mr Turner suggested that me and Rachel have a go at doing our own editted version of the film we filmed together so that we can at least do some editing, learn and talk about it for our final mark. We thought this would be a good idea to give us more experience and also so we can get the best marks we possibly can.

2. We decided to change the name of the film to something like 'Infection' or 'Virus' as that is more relevant to our style and story of the film. We also decided this as we weren't happy with the last shot of the 'eyes' which were meant to symbolise the 'Bloodshot' title, so we deleted this scene and changed the name because we think this will make the genre and storyline more obvious and connect more.

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