AS Media Coursework

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Filming- Project 2

Day 1- George Spencer Academy- Forest.

For our idea, the main idea was to create a setting where the audience would wonder why they were there and we think that placing it in a forest would not just add tension and suspense but to add to the mystery of the rest of the film and what could/would happen.

We set up the camera and took it to the forest at the back of the school field. This is a small wooded area that is well lit because there's not too many trees to block natural light, however there's enough trees to create a tense atmosphere to the opening sequence.

We planned to shoot in the day, so when we came to the editing stage, we could use after effects to change the time of day by darkening the background if we wanted to but if we don't want to then, we can edit it how we please, to get the effect we want.

We used many variety of camera angles such as long shots, mid shots and also tracking shots that tracked the fast action. We wanted to use long shots and establishing shots to show off the setting and make the introduction to the main characters as clear as possible.

Me and Rachel believe that this day of filming went well as the weather was perfect as the sun peaked through the trees to give us enough light and the condition of th forest floor was okay and not too difficult for us to film. I filmed for this as both Jay and Rachel were in the film, I found it hard because I hadn't become comfortable with filming yet, just the editing and I didn't want to mess it up due to my lack of experience. However after filming, I felt slightly more confident and more expressive with the different variety of camera angles and positions we could use.

Day 2- George Spencer Academy- Science Lab.

We filmed in a school lab one lunchtime to shoot this scene and we set up many bottles etc with liquids in them. One of the liquids obviously being the poisonous one.

We used a variety of equipment from the lab, such as beakers and microscopes to portray to the audience that this is something to do with science or is involved in the medical genre.

We used many different camera angles also such as high angle shots and close ups to show the detial of the beakers and also the action/what is going on in the scene.

I felt a bit more confident filming this as I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve and that was to create the same effect as CSI programmes do which is to use small snapshots such as close ups of thee bottles, just to give the audience a hint to what the story may be.

In the next lessons we are going to have to work hard to edit our film the way we want to in time as we're cutting our time fine to get this done. We have decided the main stuff we want to achieve with the editing but it's just making sure we have enough film to complete it and get the point across to the audience that we want to.

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