AS Media Coursework

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Audience Questionnaire

I conducted an audience questionnaire for 20 people as a part of my research to see what audience out there like to watch or find for in a Thriller movie.

1) Male or Female?
Male- (8)

2) How old are you? What age group do you belong to?

5-10- (0)
11-20- (7)
21-30- (5)
31-40 - (2)
41-50- (4)
51-60- (2)
60+- (0)

3) Is the thriller genre one of your favourite types of film?

Yes (It is one of my favourites)- (5)
Maybe (Depends what type of Thriller)- (8)
No (Not my sort of film) - (7)

4) Could you name any famous directors that are famous for directing a thrillers?

3+ - (4)
2- (7)
1- (6)

5) What sub genre of thriller films do you particularly enjoy?

Crime Thriller- (4)
Action Thriller- (3)
Medical Thriller-(5)
Sci Fi Thriller-(1)
Psychological Thriller- (6)
Other- (1)

6) Could you define what a 'Thriller' is?

  • A film that keeps you intrigued during the whole film
  • Builds suspense throughout the film
  • Normally involves a hero and a villian
  • Eerie setting to match the action

7) What do you look for when you are watching a thriller or what do you enjoy?

  • Feeling tense and to be a scary atmosphere
  • Keep me intrigued
  • Trying to figue out the ending but theres always a twist
8) Name a film (a film from the Thriller genre) that you enjoyed?
Inception- (6)

The Dark Knight-(4)

Terminator- (2)

Fight Club-(3)

Pulp Fiction-(2)
Sin City- (3)

From this questionnaire, I questioned females and males where the majority of females said that they enjoy Thriller movies which is totally against the stereotypical view that Thriller is not the type women enjoy. From the people I questioned, they were below the age of 20 and said they considered the Thriller genre to be one of their favourites. With sub categories, people said that they liked Action Thriller and Psychological thriller, looking at it stereotypically, I think men would prefer Action and women like the Psychological thrillers. People said that their favourite thriller films were recent such as Inception and Dark Knight, it shows that people enjoy the newer storylines or maybe that we have the technology now to provide a more vivid story than 20 or so years ago.

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