AS Media Coursework

Tuesday, 15 February 2011


This is the brainstorm we did about the different sub genres of Thriller and which one would work for us and be unique at the same time. We brainstormed the main sub genres and expanded on their conventions and what normally is included in them. We crossed out the idea of Action Thriller after we spoke about it as the conventions are highly professional such as the use of cars and effects, this is the same reason why we crossed out Fantasy/Sci Fi. We like the sub genres of Crime and Psychological but we thought that this had been used a lot of times in this task for A level so we all decided on a different and unique opening sequence based on the sub genre of 'Medical Thriller'. We understand that this will be a challenge but we wanted to be different to everyone else and we believe that we can achieve a tense opening sequence.

This was our idea page for the Medical Thriller. We thought of a few ideas but the main medical idea we came up with was virus spreading or an infection. We thought of zombies/supernatural creatures but we wouldn't of been able to pull of the professionalism that big film makers have in that area. We then came of to the idea of one person being infected by nature such as a tree/animal and expanded on that for our main Thriller task idea.

Our final idea is a Medical Thriller opening sequence based on a virus being spread by an infected/animal tested cat. We brainstormed the main stuff like costumes and props which are going to be minimal to make it easy to work with. Our settings are going to be in Toton and James will be finding our specific locations nearer the time. I think the final choice for the Thriller task name is Bloodshot.

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