AS Media Coursework

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Risk Assessment!

Safety is very important when filming, if the equipment being used becomes damaged or even the actors that are involved in the filming get hurt then it could cause much more trouble than needed for filming etc so I have created a risk assessment table to assess what possible risk's could take place, what level the risk is and how we will avoid these risks.

What is the risk?

Who/What is at risk?

Risk Level

What we are going to do to avoid risk?

Breaking/damaging the cameras when filming.
The Camera


To avoid dropping the camera, it will be screwed onto the tripod at all times and when it is not in use it will be protective bag. We are planning on using a few cameras to shoot and to take stills so we have to make sure all cameras are protected.

Breaking the tripod

The Tripod


The tripod will always be in use and this will hopefully prevent it being damaged. We will make sure that all screws on the tripod will be tightened and not loose as that could cause damage. When the tripod isn't in use, it'll be laid down on a flat surface to prevent it from tumbling over.

Losing any equipment/props
Any props/equipment that are being used.


The only valuable props that is at a risk of being lost are the mobile phone and portable music player. These will be in the actors pocket when filming is not taking place. We will make sure that all props and equipment are safe and make sure nothing is missing after the filming.

Damaging the environment when we film outside

The environment


We haven't got any equipment that could possibly damage any of the environment but we will consider where we shoot our outside shots to prevent any damages to the environment. We will also make sure the plastic bags that we use in our filming will not be left anywhere.

Actors eye's become irritated by the red contacts



The contacts could cause some irritation for the actor wearing them. If this happens then the contacts will be remove and eyes will be washed but if the actor feels as though he cannot place them in the eye, we will apply to red eye effect when we get to the editing stage.

Cat not co-operating/needing a lot of looking after in case it runs off.



We might be using a cat in our opening sequence and this could cause a bit of trouble. If this does happen we will make sure that James or James' mum is on hand to help if the cat becomes un co-operative or run away from the scene, if we don't use the cat then we will be can easily change the shot.

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