AS Media Coursework

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Costumes and Props

When we film the opening sequence, we're will be using props, costumes and make-up to make the mise-en scene of the opening sequence match our unique idea. We will probably need to think more about props and make-up as that pieces the opening scene together.

Costume: Both me and Rachel will wear warm yet modern clothing as we need to put across to the audience that we're students that don't take things too seriously. Both of us will wear jeans and a casual top and cardigan showing the period of which we're setting our opening sequence in and the type of people we're portraying. Rachel plans to wear lighter colours to show her innocence playing the character who gets bitten whereas I plan to wear darker clothes, maybe showing that we may be best friends but have different personalities.

Make-up: For most of the opening sequence, me and Rachel just wear natural make-up showing that it's a normal casual day. In the last scene, Rachel needs to look ill and washed out so we will be using a paler foundation and use grey eye shadow around her eyes to achieve this look. When we filmed the opening sequence, I used red and brown lipstick to create the scratch marks, which looked very effective, real and was inexpensive.


We used a cat/animal box in our opening sequence as the main character discovers it walking back from the shops. It was a bright colour which adds to the seen where Rachel's character notices it as it is a bright object in a darker setting. When it is seen in the shot, audience may think a little cute cat or dog is in there but once a low angle shot shows the sticker (prop below) then the audiences perception will change.

Originally we were going to order a bio-hazard sticker but printing one off and using sticky-back plastic was must more cost effective and looked exactly the same. This will be placed on the back of the cat box. It'll be seen through a low angle shot where only the audience can see it rather than the main character as she puts her hand in the box. This sticker is connotated with danger adding to the suspence of the scene.

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