AS Media Coursework

Tuesday, 15 February 2011



This is our draft storyboard for the opening sequence of our Medical thriller 'Bloodshot'. This is the basic shots and layout we are going to use in our 2 minute task. We realise that this is an ambitious idea, but we hope to achieve a unique opening sequence in the time limit we have. In the draft, I just roughly sketched the shots and angles of the camera with little description before completing a final storyboard.

Final Storyboard

In our final storyboard, I made the images more clear to show exaclty what we are trying to show within the shot etc. I also added a lot more infomation such as the type of shot, if music is included or not, and the transitions from shot to shot.

Our first shot will be a mid shot of the distribution and production logo's that will need to be created in the following weeks before the editing stage. The music will start in this shot and continue into the following shots also this music is more upbeat, this is partly to confuse the audience therefore making it eery. A fade transition will be used to build tension into the next shots.

The next shot will involve 2 types of camera angle. The camera will move to a tracking mid shot to a tracking over the shoulder shot. We have decided to use quite quick snappy transitions to speed the pace up. A sound effect will be brought in at the end of a mobile phone 'beeping' before going to the next shot. A straight cut will be used to keep the pace up.

This sound effect will continue in the next shot for a few seconds before the phone is taken out of the pocket, the music in the background will be turned down/off for effect also. This will be shown through a extreme close up of a pocket. A straight cut will be used.

Two very quick shots will be used in this shot, an over the shoulder shot to see him looking at the text (saying something like 'are you nearly back from the shop? xx') but the sense that someone is looking at him which will completely confuse the audience into the sub genre of this opening sequence which I like. Then a close up of the phone will show the man texting back saying something along the lines 'yep just walking through the woods now, will be home in min xx'. A fade will be used to show time passing.

A long shot will be used to show the man walking up to the wooded area, this automatically adds to the tension as woods normally symbolise something 'going wrong'. A fade will be used.

Once he enters the woods the man notices something and this is shown through a mid shot, this is a very quick shot which establishes that something else is there, building up the suspense. A straight cut will be used.

A close up of the cat box will be the next shot (eyeline match), and this will confuse the audience as they will beleive that it's just a sweet little animal. Straight cut will be used.

The next scene will show the man looking more closely at the box and putting his hand in then pulling back after being scratched, but we can see the biohazard sign on the back of the box whereas the man can't, making the audience feel the extreme tension in this shot. Dialogue or sound effect: 'AHHH'. Straight cut will be used.

This will be a very quick shot; close up of the scratched hand. 5-10 seconds max, straight cut will be used.

Point of view shot will show the cat running away. Fade will be used.

A long shot will be used to show him walking home, keeps looking at hand, and facial expressions will show the uncertainty of the male.Eery music will be used. Straight cut will be used.

Very quick close up of scratched hand opening a front door. Scratch will look much worse building tension. Fade will be used to show time passing. Music still being played.

Two shot will show man putting down bags in the kitchen and woman seeing the scratch. Dialogue will be said, not too much though and straight cut will be used.

Close up of man washing hand under the sink, maybe a bit of blood drains down the plug hole, signifying danger. Straight cut will be used.

Close up of the door closing, builds tension to what happens next for the audience. Fade to black will be used to build the suspense for the last shot. Music has continued to the last shot

The first of the last two shots is a very quick extreme close up showing the eyes opening to show they are bright red. The climax of the music will hopefully be edited into the scene. Fade to black will be used so that the titles can fade onto the black. Also being shown through a mid shot.

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